ROD THOMSON: The Democrat party is an unsalvageable dumpster fire

A political party that denies reality, is philosophically incoherent and contradictory, and will not even respond to overwhelming voter sentiments is a sick political party.

A political party that denies reality, is philosophically incoherent and contradictory, and will not even respond to overwhelming voter sentiments is a sick political party.

From the November election through the initial week of Cabinet hearings and President Biden’s farewell address, it is clear that the Democratic Party is a stagnant, ossified group beholden to, and intimidated by, its most radical wing. It appears unable and unwilling to change in response to Americans’ complete repudiation of its ideas and leadership. It doubles down on everything that has failed.

We all know the slapdown voters delivered in the election, and the Democratic response being they just did not communicate well enough, i.e. Americans are dummy dum-dums. But since then, it has not gotten any better.

The Senate hearings for President Trump’s appointees reveal the continuing truth. The Democrats in the Senate have no substantive ideas. They smear qualified appointees with anonymous allegations of sexual assault or drunkenness, despite dozens of people on the record saying just the opposite. They look for conflicts of interest or any wedge to attack an appointee, rather than actually engage in substantive debate on policies.

The Smear Party formerly known as the Democratic Party continues to show that other than a modernized, race and gender-based form of Marxism they have been peddling for a decade, they simply have no ideas in response to the desires and needs of Americans. Their thinking and strategy is that of junior high kids on the playground during lunch. It’s embarrassing — except when it is dangerous.

They “other” their opponents as evil, fascist Nazis. But they themselves refuse to protect girls and women in their most vulnerable spaces of locker rooms and bathrooms, and allow them to be hammered and humiliated and their opportunities stolen by biological men with mental issues. Although Republicans passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, 206 of 208 Democrats voted against it. Two voted to protect women and girls; 206 opposed it. The party proclaiming to be champions of women’s rights refused to vote to protect them — even when 70 percent of Americans favored it.

A political party that denies reality, is philosophically incoherent and contradictory, and will not even respond to overwhelming voter sentiments is a sick political party.

Then came Joe Biden’s dark farewell speech that most of America doesn’t even know happened. He is a failed president who blames Americans for his failure. His speech was the Jimmy Carter malaise speech redux. He attacked leading American businesses as a “tech oligarchy…that literally threatens our entire democracy” speaking of the dangers of the super-rich oligarchy.

This ominous warning came less than two weeks after he awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros, a billionaire who has spent a lifetime using his wealth to push highly partisan and sometimes dangerous ideas into American politics, including interfering with elections. His son, Alexander Soros, is even more politically meddling, and shows it on his Instagram feed with pics of him with every prominent Democrat in the land. To quote Byron York, “There is no one in the Democratic Party who is unavailable to George and Alexander Soros.”

“The free press is crumbling,” Biden moved on to claim, and Americans are being buried by an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation — which is pretty rich for a guy who got into the White House by an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation.

And he finished off his malaise speech making the increasingly challenged claim that “The existential threat of climate change has never been clearer.”

Biden slumps off the stage as a bitter and failed president leading a bitter and failed party. He and Kamala Harris were the perfect leaders of a decaying party with no ideas, rejected by the American people, reduced to name-calling and learning nothing from these experiences.

Neither Biden in his farewell address or Senate Democrats during the confirmation hearings demonstrated the slightest hint that their problems might be in the mirror. So such luminaries as Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Obama will not be attending the Trump inauguration.

But Americans are past this pettiness and the damaging ideas brought by the leftist Democratic Party. They want solutions to inflation, jobs, crime, open borders and world threats. Trump and Republicans have solutions for these largely Democrat-driven problems and American voters rewarded them over every institutional obstacle. The Democrats have no answers and apparently no ability to see that as a problem.

If they continue this way, and it is hard to see any change in the foreseeable future, they will be granting Republicans dominance until they do. They do not need a rebrand. They need a reboot as a party, from the ground up.

Rod Thomson is a former daily newspaper reporter and columnist, Salem radio host and ABC TV commentator, and current Founder of The Thomson Group, a Florida-based political consulting firm. He has eight children and seven grandchildren and a rapacious hunger to fight for America for them. Follow him on Twitter at @Rod_Thomson. Email him at [email protected].

Image: Title: biden


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