BREAKING: Iran launches drone attack on Israel: report

Iran launched waves of drone attacks on Israel on Saturday, according to Axios. 

US and Israeli officials who spoke to Axios told the outlet that Iran launched dozens of drones during the night on Saturday, local time.  

The launch appears to be a retaliation against Israel after the country reportedly launched airstrikes on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. The Biden administration has promised it will help Israel counter Iran.  

Iran for its part has warned the US to stay out of the fight between Iran and Israel. The outlet also reported that Iran is threatening an attack on troops if the United States gets involved.  

"The Iranian message was we will attack the forces that attack us, so don't f--k with us and we won't f--k with you," a US official said. 

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin previously stated that Israel "could count on full U.S. support to defend Israel against Iranian attacks, which Tehran has publicly threatened.” 

A statement from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as reported by the Iran-controlled Tasnim News Agency, translated from Persian, stated, “In response to the crime of the Zionist regime in the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, the IRGC air force hit certain targets in the territories of the Zionist regime with dozens of drones and missiles.”

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