EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Ron Johnson says the 'New Governing Coalition' betrays the American public by pushing foreign aid when the people demand border security

"The last thing we ought to be doing is just willy nilly throw another $60 billion to fuel the flames of this bloody stalemate."

"The last thing we ought to be doing is just willy nilly throw another $60 billion to fuel the flames of this bloody stalemate."


Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson joined Human Events Daily's Jack Posobiec to break down what he called the New Governing Coalition that has decided unilaterally to push a $95 billion foreign aid package to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan in the midst of an illegal immigration crisis that has not been curbed. That bill passed the Senate during the long night after the interview.

The New Governing Coalition are those in GOP leadership that team up with Democrats to "pass Democrat priorities," Johnson said. The overnight vote shows that they did just that. Johnson said this was "capitulating to the radical left." In Johnson's view, the the issue of border security has unified the American public—just not their elected leaders.

Johnson said that there has not been another issue where the citizens of the US have been so supportive of position taken by the conservative part of the Republican party than securing the border, but that this New Governing Coalition intended to push through funding for foreign wars anyway, and they did.

In all his nearly 13 years in the Senate, Johnson said "there has never been an issue in which the vast majority of the American public so strongly agrees with Republicans so how can it be that McConnell set up a process where he's negotiating in secret with Democrats who want an open border, who caused this problem, but are just looking for a political cover—and then he gave tham that political cover by producing an awful bill."

Posobiec asked Johnson to break down the New Governing Coalition that has taken charge in the Senate with regards to funding Ukraine and taking no steps to enforce the border.  

"What Leader McConnell's been quite good at... is getting just enough Republicans to join with a unified Democrat caucus to pass Democrat priorities," Johnson told Posobiec.  

"That's not conservative governance, it's not even center-right governance. That's caving in, capitulating to the radical left," he added.  

Johnson spoke about the stalemate that has taken place in the Ukraine-Russia war and how it should come to an end.  

"I think most Americans want to help the freedom loving people in Ukraine. I think that's true. I think most people think that Vladimir Putin is an evil war criminal. That's also true." 

"But the sad fact the matter is that ... Vladimir Putin will not lose this war," Johnson remarked. "The reality is the only way this ends is [with] a negotiated settlement. And every day that goes by where this war goes on this bloody stalemate continues more Ukrainians die, more Russian conscripts die. I take no joy in that. These are kids ripped out of their villages by the evil war criminal Putin." 

He added that many in the DC area are ignoring that fact and want to continue the war. "So, I think at this point, the last thing we ought to be doing is just willy nilly throw another $60 billion to fuel the flames of this bloody stalemate."

Image: Title: poso johnson


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