Nikki Haley Hints at 2024 Run: 'I Can Be That Leader'

Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina and United States Ambassador to the United Nations during the first two years of the Trump Administration, hinted in an interview with Fox News Thursday that she will run for president in 2024. 

Speaking with host Bret Baier, Haley said she is not announcing a run for president viewers should "stay tuned" on her plans. 

"I'm not going to make an announcement here, but when you are looking at a run for president, you look at two things," said Haley. "You first look at does the current situation push for new leadership. The second question is, am I that person that could be that new leader? Yes, we need to go in a new direction."

"I was, as governor, I took on a hurting state with double dignity unemployment and we made it the beast of the southeast," she continued. "As ambassador, you know, I took on the world when they tried to disrespect us, and I think I showed what I'm capable of at the United Nations. So do I think I could be that leader? Yes. But we are still working through things and we will work it out."

"Can I be that leader? Yes, I think I can be that leader," Haley said. "I was, as governor, I took on a hurting state with double dignity unemployment and we made it the beast of the southeast," she said. "As ambassador, you know, I took on the world when they tried to disrespect us, and I think I showed what I'm capable of at the United Nations. So do I think I could be that leader? Yes. But we are still working through things and we will work it out."

Haley also responded to comments made by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claiming that Haley worked with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to become former President Donald Trump’s vice president.

“I don’t know why he said it, but that’s exactly why I stayed out of D.C. as much as possible, to get away from the drama,” she said. "Haley also pointed out that Pompeo himself said in the excerpt that he couldn’t confirm whether the story was true.

Image: Title: Nikki Haley