Unsocial Media Monitor: Media Types Panic, Promise to Leave Twitter as Musk Moves In

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  • 03/02/2023

This series on Human Events will be a weekly feature to shine a bright light on the social media activities between those who claim to be part of the “diversity and tolerance” crowd.

Each week, we will take a look at some of the goings on from the world of social media.  While the traditional large platforms are quick to silence conservative voices, even for factually correct postings, they seem to let others say whatever they wish, regardless of the degree of maliciousness

Brent Hamachek, Managing Editor

When Elon Musk shook up the social media landscape this week with his deal to purchase Twitter, he promised a “free speech” focused future for the platform, saying that he hopes even his detractors continue to use the site. 

 “I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means,” Musk tweeted Monday.

On the same day, the phrase “leaving Twitter” trended on the site, as rattled members of Team Left vowed to delete their accounts considering the looming threat of free expression.

Mainstream Media operatives were among the most vocal. 

“Not sure I am interested in Twitter if Elon Musk owns it,” wrote John Dean, former Nixon White House Counsel and current CNN contributor. 

“Might be time to exit this platform soon,” echoed CNBC Electric Vehicles Reporter John Rosevear.

NYT columnist and MSNBC political analyst Charles Blow proclaimed that he would be leaving, only to later clarify that he would simply be using the platform “only for promo purposes.”

And then there are those begging their comrades not to jump ship just yet.

Huffington Post contributor Yashar Ali encouraged others to “just stop tweeting” rather than delete their accounts. 

“For those of you who are saying you’re going to leave Twitter if Elon Musk acquires it…just remember, it’s going to take months to close this transaction,” Ali wrote. “So don’t start deleting your accounts yet. And you shouldn’t delete your account anyway, just stop tweeting if you must!”

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