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AUSTIN PETERSEN: Why ignore the obvious? Kristi Noem's hot

Don’t act like this isn’t something we should talk about plainly and openly when it comes to the impact that being attractive has on a candidate’s succ...


HUMAN EVENTS: SCOTUS asks the right questions in the case that determines the fate of hundreds of J6ers—and Donald Trump

“We need this charge to stand so that we can use it against someone else” is, in fact, the exact kind of reasoning that SCOTUS is supposed to shut down....


LIBBY EMMONS: NPR's bias problem will only get worse

NPR's bias is not going anywhere. It will likely deepen....


DAVID KRAYDEN: America is already a police state; it just hasn't captured you yet

A police state isn’t about having too many police officers on the streets arresting criminals. It’s about having too many security agencies in your life threatening you and keeping your mouth shut....


OLIVER GHORBANIFAR: Ukraine is still the prime suspect in the Crocus terror attack

Jihadist terrorists have an extensive history, and although there certainly have been variations in tactics and ideology over the years they tend to have some distinctive characteristics that unite the...


ROD THOMSON: Our national debt will crush us

Americans and politicians we elect seem to believe we can just keep spending however much we want on every vote-buying, constituency-guarding scheme, regardless of our revenues and without consequence ...

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