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JAIMEE MARSHALL: Leftist brainrot can put you in prison, now

Enough is enough; now’s the time to establish that there are consequences to holding polite society hostage to your every political and emotional whim....



If they can manage on their own, then they don’t need our money....


PETER MURPHY: If you like your appliances, you can't keep them, according to Joe Biden

As with so many other policies in the administration’s global warming arsenal, mandating invariably higher-cost household items is another dagger at Americans’ family budgets....


KENNY CODY: Trump is strong and Biden is weak

American strength has to be a priority in November, otherwise the United States will risk decline not seen since the days of the Roman Empire....


DAVID WATENICK: What about America's political prisoners?

Nearly all of the January 6 arrestees merely followed the directives of Capitol police....


EMALINE JONES: Free the vape

Making life more difficult for young voters, and taking away their agency and access to relatively harmless products they enjoy are small moves that leave a big impact on voters’ impressions of the con...


AUSTIN PETERSEN: Why ignore the obvious? Kristi Noem's hot

Don’t act like this isn’t something we should talk about plainly and openly when it comes to the impact that being attractive has on a candidate’s success....

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